Here are a few upcoming events you don't want to forget to add to your calendar!
Here are a few upcoming events you don't want to forget to add to your calendar!
Christmas at hcc : december 22nd
Christmas is coming! Experience the joy of Christmas at HCC! Celebrate the birth of Jesus with us on Sunday, December 22nd. Services are at 9:15am and 11:00am. This is a perfect time to invite someone to HCC! We can't wait to see you at Christmas at HCC!
Share sunday : DEcember 29th at 9:15am & 11:00AM
Men's Breakfast : January 18th at 8am
You're invited to breakfast! This is an opportunity for the men of HCC to get together, be encouraged, and have a little fun. There will be raffle prizes and Pastor Doug Norman, from The Bridge to Hope Worship Center, will be speaking. Join us on Saturday, January 18, 8:00-10:00 am in Fireside Hall. Please RSVP!
Women's Brunch : February 8th at 10:30am
You're invited to brunch! This is an opportunity for the women of HCC to get together, have fun, and be encouraged. Author Natalie Runion will be Guest Speaking. Join us on Saturday, February 8th, 10:30-12:30 pm in Fireside Hall. Please RSVP!